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March on Google postponed after Antifa left-wing terror group threatens to ram cars into peaceful protesters

August 18, 2017


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The March on Google, organized to protest Google’s outrageous censorship and assaults on free speech in cyberspace, has been postponed.

Predictably, the lying left-wing media has been characterizing the peaceful protest as an “alt-right” event. This is the same anti-American, lying media that now celebrates Antifa with glowing reviews in Yahoo News and CNN, both of which now openly endorse a left-wing terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the United States government and burn this country to the ground.

If you are a left-wing radical terrorism group in America today, you are celebrated and worshiped by the traitorous mainstream media, but if you’re a peaceful group that seeks to end censorship so that America can engage in non-violent dialog and debate, you are relentlessly vilified as racists and KKK members. Daring to insist on a national dialog instead of violent conflict now makes you a racist in this twisted society, where rationality and reason have been willfully abandoned at every turn.

“Despite our clear and straightforward statements denouncing bigotry and hatred, CNN and other mainstream media made malicious and false statements that our peaceful march was being organized by Nazi sympathizers,” wrote March On Google organizers in a recent post.

“Following the articles, credible threats from known Alt Left terrorist groups have been reported to and relevant authorities have been notified. In one instance, an Alt Left threat was made to use an automobile to drive into our peaceful march.”

Alt-Left and Alt-Right have become dangerous terrorism groups, all run by the same people at the highest levels

The Alt-Left, you see, has devolved into an active terrorism network of violent arsonists and would-be executioners who are now fully backed by the left-wing media (CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, NPR, MSNBC, Yahoo News, etc.). No doubt the left-wing media would relish the idea of Alt-Left terrorists ramming cars into crowds of conservative free speech advocates who are peacefully protesting to defend their First Amendment rights.

In seeking to prevent such violence from taking place, the March on Google organizers have postponed the event, saying, “We look forward to the day when the human right of peaceful Free Speech is once again able to be practiced in America.”

Until then, we are all living under the dangerous tyranny of the Alt-Left terrorists, the radical left-wing dishonest media and the dangerous “techno tyrants” like Google and Facebook that are pushing America toward civil war.

Personally, I denounce both the Alt-Left and the Alt-Right, both of which are fully run and operated by globalists and deep state embeds, by the way. The goal of the Alt-Right is to drum up hatred and violence while the goal of the Alt-Left is to carry out violence and mayhem on the streets. They are both run by the same people (Soros, etc.). Everybody is being played. This is all high-level theater being played out for political purposes to divide and conquer America by turning it into a warzone.

Don’t you know that Jason Kessler, the organizer of the Charlottesville event, actually worked for Obama and the Occupy movement? The entire escalation was essentially staged by the Left as the radical left-wing Governor of Virginia ordered police to stand down so that violence could explode on the streets.

We are all being played!


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