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The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America

March 19, 2012
J. D. Heyes, Natural News

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is set to begin construction on a new high-risk bio-weapons research facility on the campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan, though critics say the decision is fraught with risk because of the potential for damage from nearby earthquake fault lines.

In a statement on its Web site, DHS said it needs the new facility to replace an aging one located at Greenport, N.Y. That facility, known as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, has been in operation since 1954 and is nearing the end of its useful life.

According to the department, $54 million has been approved for the construction of the proposed National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. The new facility will feature research on biolevel 3 and 4 viruses – some without any known cures – and other potentially dangerous materials, though department officials have downplayed any potential threats.

The problem, critics say, is the location and the inherent seismic and weather-related disasters that could befall the facility, wreaking havoc on the surrounding population and beyond – issues the government seems to be downplaying.

And now… the rest of the story. …..

3 Comments leave one →
  1. March 20, 2012 12:46 am

    The department of homeland security as well as other similar entities need cleaning out and personnel checked closely for LOYALTY solely to the USA. Need to read those new defense projects. Most of all need to read closely the Health Care changes. What I read from a post I question if that is the present plan. Hillary Democratic Party Plan sounds like what was quoted and I agree, the “progressive” pushed that through ignoring Obama’s Plan and of course it failed and Obama has to patch it up BUT I want to make sure they will not try again to push that
    monstrosity through. Don’t like Ryan’s plan either especially Medicare.
    So lets see what it states not as a sentence but as part of the whole. However those PARTS are alarming.

  2. Rwolf permalink
    March 19, 2012 2:56 pm

    The Department of Homeland Security plans to build a high-risk virus research center in the heart of America.
    Question High Risk / For Who—?

    Considering U.S. Government’s history of conducting covert biological and chemical experiments on their own Citizens, one has to ask if this new government research virus research center is for defensive or offensive purposes?

    Why is U.S. Government involved in this? On September 17, 2004 the SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER reported that University of Washington scientists planned to infect monkeys with a killer flu virus grown from tissues exhumed from victims of the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic that killed at least 40-million people worldwide. (The University of Washington received part of a $12.7 million grant funded largely from a bio-defense Congress appropriation).

    On November 23, 2011 Natural News reported by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer) (Scientist deliberately ‘militarizes’ flu strain in deadly bioterrorism experiment.

    Flu researchers apparently intend to publish research findings—that may explain how a flu virus can more easily be spread among mammal populations. It is problematic terrorists or a despot government might utilize this method for spreading deadly flu viruses to kill humans; destroy human food supplies e.g. cattle—decimate economies. It is not clear if this (flu research) included developing (antidotes) against virus components that cause or increase spreading flu-viruses. If a government or terrorists can develop an antidote they might be more inclined to use a deadly flu virus as a weapon of mass destruction. See

    If you read the 2004 article, you might consider whether DNA from the 1918 Spanish Flu Virus could be merged with other flu viruses, hugely spread to humans using the new discovered transmission method developed by scientists mentioned above.


    See below access to decades of information that expose U.S. Government bio-logical experiments on unsuspecting Americans, including children and disabled persons. Access the following web address re: (Plutonium Files: How the U.S. Secretly Fed Radioactivity to Thousands of Americans)

    Or access (Unethical human experimentation in the United States) at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at:

    Typically when U.S. Government has been exposed for biologically experimenting on unsuspecting Americans and others— the Government offers an apology to its victims including the dead, then has proceeded to harm others with medical, biological, radiation or chemical experiments.

    The Government has been caught repeatedly misleading and lying to the American People. Whey should Americans now accept the governments explanation why they are building this (high risk virus research center?)

  3. March 19, 2012 9:51 am

    The government can’t be trusted with something so dangerous because they’re incompetant.

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