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Houston CPS force 4-year-old to take overprescribed psychotropic drugs

May 19, 2012
Randy Wallace, My Fox Houston

Here’s 4-year-old Rachel Harrison before Child Protective Services took her away from her parents.

Once CPS takes over, you can see the drastic changes for yourself.

“And as a parent it’s very hard to deal with because your baby’s in trouble and you can’t do anything to help,” said Rachel’s mother Christina Harrison.

Watch as the bubbly little girl starts looking more like some neglected waif while under CPS’s care.

“She was never abused or neglected in any way except by CPS,” said Debbie Flores, Rachel’s grandmother.

In numerous court hearings CPS caseworkers would admit they had no reason to think Rachel’s parents ever neglected or abused her.

The only reason CPS took custody was the young parent’s recreational drug use.

Something they admitted to and lived to regret.

But ironically Rachel would be the one hooked on drugs while under CPS’s watch including Risperdal, a drug used to treat Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar disorder and according to the FDA, should not be given to a child under 10.

And now… the rest of the story. …..

5 Comments leave one →
  1. May 20, 2012 1:12 am

    I am 85 years old and to me this sound like another “modernization” coming home to rust. Did it have to get this bad before people wake up to reality. I spent my entire life alerting people, as have been others I know. There is such thing as being too tolerant, to politically correct, and yes, so confident in the principles binding this nation that few heard the discordant sound of imported technology for a modern nation,except that book 1984.

  2. priceless22 permalink
    May 19, 2012 9:35 pm

    Sorry for the CPS misspellings. WE call it DPS here.

  3. priceless22 permalink
    May 19, 2012 9:32 pm

    Texas CPS did nothing to my ex who was not helping our ailing daughter. SHE called CPS on him!! The School called CPS on him! And he still got away with not following the orders of CPS! She thought she was dying. She was losing too much weight. But my ex is an M.D. and they seem to walk on water in Texas. And I was on the Coast and could do nothing for her. She begged me to come get her. I could not. If I had gone to get her…I would have been arrested for kidnapping and might have been found guilty and ended up in prison for 30 years….just for trying to protect my daughter. . He is a narcissist. NO one tells him what to do…not even the government. So when HE was ready …he took her to a GP instead of the gastroenterologist that the CPD told him to take her to. And that GP put my daughter on Birth Control pills! She may have inherited my gene that makes it difficult to ingest drugs and can kill you. But he completely ignores that. He told the court that I made up the condition. I almost died of it. My sister has had 3 strokes because of it. I am not making it up!

    Because I did not come and get her, my daughter never spoke to me again. She still does not know I was working on getting her home. That was 7 years ago. She won’t even call me “Mom” anymore when she talks to her paternal grand mother. She speaks of me by my first name only. She will not accept any letters from me. I have to send them with the grandparents’ letters. When she got her Birthday card from me..through the grandparents…she told them to tell me to never write her again.

    I am heart broken. So Texas DPS does not do their job like they should. Many State child protective services employees get kickbacks for removing children from their parents’ home and putting them permanently with someone else.

    That is horrible!

  4. marlio permalink
    May 19, 2012 9:28 pm

    hmmmm, they should not be parents and we allow gay people to adopt children??? Have we lost our minds??? Anyone, still have ANY Common Sense????

  5. marlio permalink
    May 19, 2012 9:26 pm

    My daughter used to take risperodol and it caused her to regress in school, because she was always so sleepy. I doubt these child protection agency workers know ANYTHING about the effects of this drug, after all, they are not physicians. They may be harming this child, beyond repair.

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